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Free Psycho Billy!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Plus: LaSalle Lives On!

Two bits of Crimedog-related news to pass on today. First, it's Psychobilly Monday, the day you all agreed to rush down to Barnes & Noble and buy a copy of Neil Smith's Yellow Medicine. You say you didn't agree to this? I've got your signature right here on this for. No? Sure looks like it to me.

So here's your chance to help Neil stick it to the Man. The proceeds should go a long way towards paying off all those golf balls he's lost in water hazards across America.

In Other News: The late, great Emerson LaSalle has returned to blogging - a neat trick since he died some time ago. But apparently he was never quite comfortable with the latest technology, preferring to write out his blog posts longhand so his assistants could transcribe them. They're now doing their best to get them up there on his blog.

Even better, YOU have the chance to help pick the LaSalle quote for a line of trading cards featuring sci-fi writers. Leave your favorite line from LaSalle in the comments. Fabulous no-prize prizes for all who enter!

Incidentally, I understand a longstanding rumor has finally been debunked. Despite their long-running feud, there is no truth to the rumor that LaSalle was in Ketchum, Idaho, on the night of Hemingway's "suicide".

posted by Graham Powell at 9:37 AM